Are YOU in this ? Bibliography

The following will be updated when new articles appear in Are YOU in this?
Primary Sources
Berks and Oxon Advertiser
Denton and Haughton Examiner
Leeds Times
The Mansfield Reporter
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph
1911 Census of England and Wales, General Report with Appendices, Table1, Table 3.
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Dayus, K. Her People: The Moving Story of a Working-Class Birmingham Childhood (London: Virago Press, 1982)
Secondary Sources
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Kane, P. Victorian Families in Fact and Fiction (New York: St Martin's Press, 1997[1995])
Marwick,A. The Deluge: British Society and the First World War (London: Norton library 1965)
Meacham, S. A Life Apart: The English Working Class 1890-1914 (London: Thames and Hudson, 1977)
Sibley, D. The British Working Class and Enthusiasm for War, 1914-1916. (London: Frank Cass, 2005)
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Winter, J. The Great War and the British People (London: Macmillan, 1987[1986])
Woods, R. The Demography of Victorian England and Wales (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)
Chapter in Book
Bergin, J.A. 'Birth and Death in Nineteenth-century Dublin's Lying-in Hospitals' in Farrell (ed.), She said She was in the Family Way (London: University of London Press: Institute of Historical Research, 2012)
Braybon, G. 'Winners or Losers: Women's Role in the War Story', in G. Braybon (ed.) Evidence, History and the Great War: Historians and the impact of 1914-1918 (New York: Berghahn Books, 2003).
Arneil, G.C. 'Nutritional rickets in children in Glasgow', Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. Cambridge University Press, 34(2) (1975)
Atkinson, P. 'Patterns of Infant Mortality in rural England and Wales, 1850-1910',
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Gregory, I
& Porter, C.
Badger, F.J. 'Illuminating Nineteenth Century English Urban Midwifery: The Register of a Coventry Midwife', Women's History Review 23(5) (2014)
Beir, L.M. 'Expertise and Control: Childbearing in Three Twentieth-Century Working-Class Lancashire Communities', Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 78(2) (2004)
Engineer, A. 'The Society of Medical Officers of Health: It's History and its Archive', Medical History, (45) (2001),
Bosanquet, A. 'Sarah Stone: The Enlightenment Midwife', The Practising Midwife, 12(9) (2009)
Burström, B. 'The Dialectics of Childhood Diarrhoea Mortality', International Journal of Health & Öberg, L. Services, 36(3) (2006)
Dunhill, M.S. 'Commentary: William Budd on cholera, International Journal of Epidemiology', 42(6) (2013)
Fox, S. & M. Brazier 'The Regulation of Midwives in England, c.1500-102', Medical Law International, 20(4) (2020)
Chamberlain, G. 'British Maternal Mortality in the 19^th^ and Early 20^th^ Centuries', Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 99(11) (2006)
Galley, C. 'Infant mortality in England, 1538-2000: Stability and the Beginnings of Change, 1837-1910*, Local Population studies, 103 (2019)
Loudon, I. 'Deaths in Childbed from the Eighteenth Century to 1935', Medical History, 30(1) (1986)
Loudon, I. 'Maternal mortality in the past and its relevance to developing countries today', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 72(1) (2000)
Millward, R 'Infant Mortality in Victorian Britain: The Mother as Medium',
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Muir, A.J. 'Midwifery and Maternity Care for Single Mothers in Eighteenth-Century Wales', Social History of Medicine, 33(2)
Pooley, S. 'Parenthood, Child-rearing and fertility in England, 1850,1914', The history of the Family, 18(1) (2013)
Sharpe, P. 'Explaining the short stature of the poor: chronic childhood disease and growth in nineteenth century England', The Economic History Review, 65(4) (2012)
Widdicome, J.H. 'A Brief History of Bronchitis in England and Wales', Journal of the COPD Foundation, 7(4) (2020)
Williams, D.I. 'The Obstetric Society of 1825', Medical History, (42) (2) (2013)
Woods, R. 'The Causes of Rapid Infant Mortality Decline in England and Wales,
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Woods, R. 'The Causes of Rapid Infant Mortality Decline in England and Wales,
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Betts, H. J. 'A Biographical Investigation of the Nightingale School for Midwives (Ph d, University of Southampton, 2002)
Macdonald, E. 'A Slave to the Home: Female Labour and Mortality in the Rhondda; 1881-1911 (Student Dissertation for the Open University module A329 The Making of Welsh History, 2019)
Margaret Davies, L. 'The Conquest of Infant Mortality: the case of Hemsworth, 1871-1911', (PhD, Open University, 2007)
Snook, L.J. 'Women in Rhonda Society, c,1870-1839' (PhD, Swansea University, 2002)
Stephenson, C. 'The Voluntary Maternity Hospital: A Social History of Provincial Institutions, with special reference to maternal mortality, 1860-1930' (Ph D, University of Warwick, 1993)
Websites, viewed 22 May 2023
'Safe Delivery: A History of Scottish Midwives',, viewed 24 November 2021, viewed 22 May 2023
'Edward Wadsworth'. , viewed 14 March 2022
Posts in this series
- AYIT Part 4: An overview of Infant Mortality in England and Wales: 1870-1910
- AYIT Part 3: Maternal Mortality in the Late Victorian and Early Edwardian period
- AYIT Part 2: A Brief Overview of the state of Midwifery in the 1800s
- AYIT Appendix 1.1: Voluntary Maternity Hospitals 1860-1930
- Are YOU in this ? Bibliography
- Are YOU in this ? Part 1: An Introduction